Our instructors


Introducing our dedicated team of instructors, who bring a wealth of experience and passion to every session. With a focus on fostering growth and skill development, they have guided students of all levels, from beginners to elite fencers.

Beyond our facilities, our instructors share their expertise by leading workshops worldwide and providing valuable advice to clubs and instructors on coaching, leadership and historical fencing.


Anders heads the chapter in Kungsbacka.

Anders started fencing in 1988 and joined his first historical fencing group in 1994. In 2003 he founded Gothernburg Historical Fencing School, GHFS, and was the head instructor until he stepped down in 2019. He is also the founder of the world’s premier historical fencing competition Swordfish, The Historical Fencer website, and St Mark.

He won his first international gold medal in longsword in 2006 and became the first sanctioned Swedish national champion in 2015. That same year he took gold at Swordfish, as well as silver in the Nordic League in Denmark. He has also competed in full contact stick fighting.

Anders has been instrumental in the development of historical fencing in Sweden and internationally. He wrote the first official rules which laid the foundation for the modern competitive format. He has also focused on developing safer competitions through writing injury reports from Swordfish. He established the regulations and looks of modern HEMA referees and judges, as well as many norms for conduct on the matt. He pioneered physical education in historical fencing and raised the bar for athleticism.

Over the years, he has published articles, research and interpretations on historical fencing techniques. He is also the person behind the curriculum and pedagogical model for GHFS, one of the most successful HEMA clubs in the world, as well as for St Mark. He has also collaborated with film makers and choreographed the fighting scenes for a documentary on the 16th century ship Mars produced for Swedish national Television and aired on National Geographic.


Axel  heads the chapter in Mora.

Axel Pettersson, born in 1985, is a one of the most well-known and prominent figures in Historical fencing, known for his contributions as a competitor and instructor. His journey into historical fencing began in 2002 with the Swedish branch of ARMA (Association For Renaissance Martial Arts), where he trained under Hans Jörnlind and Nils-Erik Fahlvik in the Falun study group.

Moving to Gothenburg in 2006, Axel joined the Gothenburg Historical Fencing School (GHFS), where he quickly advanced to an instructional role, specialising in the German longsword. Over time, Axel expanded his expertise to include dussack, Swedish sabre, wrestling, rapier and dagger, and several other weapons.

Axel’s influence extends globally through seminars and workshops conducted across all inhabited continents. His competitive legacy is enormous and he has been instrumental in connecting people, clubs and international projects to lay the foundation for the modern historical fencing movement.



Samuel heads the chapter in Floda.

Samuel comes from Eksjö, a small town in Småland, Sweden. He has a lifelong interest in history and in 2003 he joined GHFS to train Sword & buckler and longsword. He had a direct influence on the development of the athletic and physical development in the club, and has both been an instructor and sat on the board.

At Swordfish, he was the initiator of the technical award. Among his international competitive achievements, he has taken Bronze at ILHG. Sam sits as vice Chairman on the board of the national Swedish HEMA Federation, SvHEMAF.

Apart from historical fencing, Samuel also practises BJJ.